Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2010 Overview

This past year has been a year of serious stretch and growth in my personal self. I could say in my life, but I feel like life is too broad. I've seen things in my "inner man" be broken down, thrown away, and replaced. It's flipping scary and amazing to recognize that I am not the same woman that I was a year ago. There are things that I've carried and things that I've let carry me that are not apart of my life anymore.
I've been learning to be content and comfortably uncomfortable. All the walls that I built for years to keep myself safe from hurt and pain have pretty much collapsed on top of me.
When we started the SOT study in Psalm 119, I was pushed to seek the Lord, instead of just pulling information out of my memory (which tends to have significant holes in it). I was forced to get in the Word daily. I didn't want anyone to think that I wasn't getting "a word from the Lord" on a regular basis, but I wasn't fooling anyone. Those closest to me knew something wasn't right. The truth: I was a faker and a poser that was tried of playing the game that I had created.
In October during one of our break out sessions in SOT, I realized as I spoke to the women around me that I had quit. After digging and scraping all the junk that I had piled on my heart to hid the real issues, I realized that I had given up on everything. I had quit trusting, moving, growing, even having faith that there was a plan, a purpose, for my life.
Oh I believed that there was hope for others, but not for myself. I believed a lie. The turning point in the chaotic reasoning was being told by one of my closest friends that they weren't going to let me give up. She told me that I was effecting people around me. She was bold and angry (with me). She was fighting for me. What a wondrous and empowering thing to have; a friend that fights for you.
How silly I feel right now as I type this. I was in such a pathetic place of defeat. I was a soldier laying on the ground, giving up, while those around me fought. I think I was allowed to sink to that place of defeat so that it was someone else picking me up instead of relying on myself to do it. I needed a hero.
I heard the knock. After years of hearing, but ignoring the person knocking on the door of my broken heart, I finally gave in. I undid the locks, opened the door. He walked in and made it home once again.

I used to not trust anyone. I never was consistent in reading the Bible and knowing what it says. I had a negative confidence in myself; I thought I would never be able to succeed or be anything more than a nobody. I didn't know what it meant to seek the Lord. I was in a constant state of fear. Fear of failure, fear of being alone, fear of not being of use. I was afraid that I had already messed up too much and that I had to suffer through the rest of my life as nothing. But those fears are gone, and those that aren't are being dealt with.
I am a new woman with a renewed life. I'm fighting for what He has for me.
So! After all that mess, here's some food for encouragement. Victoriousness....esssessess:
- I lost 40 lbs this past year.
- I can run 2 miles without stopping
- I've not read a fiction book in about 4 months.
- I have a serious desire to KNOW what the Bible says and to read it.
- I have some of the best friends in the world that I'm continually growing closer with.
- I paid off my credit card.

Now here are few things that I would like to tackle this year:
- Finish a non-fiction book (preferably something that would benefit my spiritual growth)
- Read the Bible through completely.
- Pay off my medical bills.
- Start using my Spanish frequently and learn more sign language.
- Figure out what I truly want in my life.
- Develop my listening and attention skills (or lack thereof)
- Loose 40 more lbs
- Go to Hawaii. :-D

Until next time...

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